Interested in coaching?

  • Step 1

    Understand that coaching is a huge commitment. Our season starts in August and can last until the end of November, with 2-3 practices a week and a game every Saturday. A coach is not just the leader of the team, they are responsible for the safety of his/her team while on the field, development of players, and teaching of the game to the level of their players’ ages. Coaches are also required to make practice plans, game plans (along with plays suitable for the age group they are coaching), have clear communication with the parents of the players on their team, and are held responsible for reading/understanding and upholding the rules of the league we play in, AYFL.

  • Step 2

    Review the coaching criteria outlined here. First, every coach (head and assistant) will have to pass a background check. Past years of coaching experience in PYFAC are required for any head coach. Additionally, head coaches must be 21+, assistant coaches 18+. Our coaches must also complete the USA Football coaching certification process (8hrs for new coaches, 4hrs for returning coaches). PYFAC will pay for this training for those selected to be a coach.

  • Step 3

    Fill out our coaching inquiry form linked in the box below. The PYFAC board will discuss and vote on each head coach of each team, at each level. The head coach will then select his/her coaching staff as long as each member completes the required criteria for all coaches. With our large numbers, there is a possibility of more than one team at each level depending on the number of players in that age group. So, please remember just because you are not selected as a head coach initially, as registration goes on there may be another team that could need a head coach. If there are multiple teams in one age group, each coach is guaranteed to have his/her child on their team.

    *Photos on this page via Lauren Crawford